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Setting up the Child Page

The child page needs to load it’s own JavaScript package into the iframe, in order to enable communication with the parent page. The @iframe-resizer/child package is a small self-contained script with no dependencies. It is designed to be a good guest on someone else site and will only start running after receiving a message from the parent page.


Download and install the child page package with one of the following options..

Terminal window
npm install @iframe-resizer/child --save


This package just needs to be included on every page that you load into the iframe. Where it will quietly listen for a message from the parent page, before initializing itself.


Once everything is setup, keep an eye on the browser console, as iframe-resizer will warn about any potential issues it detects and provide advice on how to fix them. For more details on using iframe-resizer see the Advanced Setup and Trouble Shooting sections of this guide.


The Child Page API includes a range of settings, events and methods to enable you to securely interact with both iframe-resizer and the child page.

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