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Iframe Content Guidelines

When creating content for your iframe, the vast majority of pages will work without any changes. This page details a few minor considerations you should be aware of to avoid unexpected behavers.


Many webpages, including this site’s homepage, have page footers anchored to the bottom of the page, so that the footer adapts to the size of the window. In an iframe that scales to it’s content, these techniques are not necessary as the viewport will now come to meet the footer, so it can be placed in the document, like any other content.

Having a bottom floating footer is likely to prevent the iframe from being able to downsize, as their will always be content at the bottom of the page.

If you are unable to change how your footer works, then the Advanced Setup Guide explains how you can manually select a custom page element to calculate the content size from.

Viewpoint Sizing Units

When creating page content, the use of viewport sizing units (vh, vw, vmax and vmin) in CSS can quickly cause problems when used to size page elements in the same direction as the iframe is being resized.

Ether your iframe will be blocked from downsizing, as the content size is now based on the iframe size. Or potentially it can cause a resizing loop, where the iframe changing size causes the content to change size, which then in turn triggers an update to the iframes size.

Overflowing Elements

When page elements are taken out of the default document flow, or overflow the document body, they can potentially impact the size of the iframe and many need individually checking for position to calculate the content size. To mitigate having to check large numbers of page element, iframe-resizer uses the browsers Observer APIs to reduce the Set of checkable page elements as much a possible, but you should still be mindful that an excessively large number of overflown elements could have an impact on page performance.

Enabling the log:true option, will output details of when overflown elements are detected and used to calculate the size of the iframe to the console. It will detail the number of elements checked, the time taken, and the element used to calculate the content size.

If you need to reduce the number of elements checked, then the Advanced Setup Guide details how you can manually select which page elements are used.

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